How to Save Hotel Business from the Devastating Impact of Coronavirus Pandemic

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It is needless to explain how the evil effects of coronavirus make the hotel business shuttered. With the tight slap of “social distancing”, the hotel industry is probably facing its most challenging time of the century. People are not allowed to come out of their homes or go to the office due to the pandemic lockdown. They need to stay at home. This situation has a grave impact on all the industries globally. The hotel industry is one of those few sectors that are directly and severely affected because of the coronavirus outbreak.

Not only the hotels but the top hotel management institutes are also closed for this situation, and the students are attending online classes. You have probably learnt a lot in your hotel management institute about handling the challenging circumstances in this field, but probably lockdown is not on that list.

Now, it is time to know how to make the situation a little better for your hotel business.

Things You Must Do in Your Hotel Business

Premium Hygiene Maintenance

This does not need any introduction or explanation; especially in this current situation. We all are aware of the need for maintaining personal hygiene right now. When you are in the hotel business, you need to be more careful about the same. You have to maintain the health and cleanliness inside the hotel for 24×7 hours to ensure that your hotel staffs and guests (if any) do not get infected or ill. The regular hygiene maintenance of your hotel should be stricter and careful to ensure that the contamination does not get an entry inside your hotel.

Medical Test of the Staffs

It is better if you can keep all your hotel staffs inside the hotel by providing them proper accommodation during this lockdown period. This will save them from the contamination as they do not need to go out and come to the hotel every day. They can avoid contamination easily. If any of your staff feels sick, take him to the doctor, isolate him from the other crews and offer him proper medical care. One infected person can ruin your entire business; hence it is better to be careful from the beginning.

Change Your Offers and Schemes

If your hotel is all about offering “fine dine-in” offers, then it is the time to change it. Start offering “home delivery” and deliver your delicious foods at the doorsteps of your customers. Maintain the hygiene while providing the foods. If you have staffs selected from the Top 10 hotel management institutes, then they are well-aware how to maintain cleanliness and hygiene while delivery foods to the guests at their homes. Use their skill in this critical time to stay in business.

Promote Your Business Keeping the Situation in Mind

Do not stop advertising your business, even in this challenging situation. With more and more people spending their times online, you can use the vast platform of social media to share your message with your target customers. Your hotel management course might teach you how to make offers alluring for the guests. Use those tricks on social media and make people aware that your business is still on even in this pandemic.

HOTS offers professional hotel management course for the aspiring students. To know more about our courses and fees, please visit our website.